Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to you as a past participant at CMSE Components for Military & Space Electronics Conference to encourage you to submit a presentation for this year's virtual conference planned for April 25-29. Your participation is important to the success of CMSE.
CMSE is focused on high quality technical talks, keynotes and panel discussions that foster maximum attendee participation/interaction and furthers our collective understanding of the technical challenges faced in our industry.
There is still time to submit an abstract for consideration by the CMSE Technical Program Committee.
Abstract submission deadline is Friday, February 18, 2022.
Suggested topics include:
- Leveraging Component Specs: Automotive vs. Commercial vs Mil Aerospace Component Capability
- IC Copper Wire Bonding & Reliability
- EEE Parts Engineering Issues for Small Sats
- Supercapacitors and high CV for High Rel Applications
- PME/BME MLCCs for Hi-Rel Applications
- GaN and SiC for RF and Power Management
- SIP 2.5- 3D and Wafer Level Packaging WLP
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Quantum Computing applications and next generation microelectronics
- ITAR issues and emerging technologies
- Reliability/Volumetric efficiency/Cost trade-offs, e.g. Non-Hermetic vs. Hermetic.
- Approaches for Assessing Reliability of COTS Electronic Cards and Assemblies
- Trust and security issues in supply chain management
- Digital Engineering
The Program:
- Keynote talks by industry leaders and an Invited speakers
- Technical presentations by industry experts with Q&A
- Focused panel discussion on topics such as; use of automotive grade parts for mil and space
- Numerous suppliers from the active and passive device community interacting with attendees
- Cutting edge technical tutorials taught by industry experts
- Opportunities for students and young professionals planning a career in the military and aerospace industry
SUBMIT a Presentation
To learn more about virtual exhibiting at CMSE 2022 email Tom Terlizzi at terlizzi@tjgreenllc.com.
Check out the video (CLICK IMAGE BELOW) to see what CMSE is all about!